

devector usage
batch_deque usage
Serialize containers

Below, the following includes and namespace alias are assumed:

#include <boost/double_ended/devector.hpp>
#include <boost/double_ended/batch_deque.hpp>

namespace de = boost::double_ended;

The devector class template, along the standard vector features, also offers a few extra. The small buffer optimization allows some elements to be stored next to the devector internals, without allocating memory on the heap. If the size of the devector exceeds the size of the small buffer, elements previously held in the small buffer are copied to a dynamically allocated buffer. The small buffer remains unused: The memory is always contiguous. The size of the small buffer can be set by the SmallBufferPolicy template argument. By default, it's set to 0, which means, no small buffer is used.

de::devector<int, de::small_buffer_size<16>> small_devector;

BOOST_ASSERT(small_devector.capacity() == 16); // but no dynamic memory was allocated


small_devector.push_front(1); // allocates

Here, while push_back calls make use of the small buffer, push_front results in an allocation: Push operations do not shift elements to avoid breaking the promise of reserve.

In contrast with the standard vector, devector allows reserving construction time. This is especially important when both front and back pushes are expected, and the small buffer should be used. In the following example, only a single allocation is required, no reallocation happens:

de::devector<int> reserved_devector(32, 16, de::reserve_only_tag{});

for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {

for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {

The small buffer optimization makes the devector a good buffer candidate. It is safer and more flexible than a C style array or std::array, because it manages its size and memory, and it's just as performant: while using the small buffer, no dynamic memory allocation happens.

The pace how standard vector grows its buffer is not fixed by the standard, it's an implementation detail. If you want a platform independent, custom behavior for devector, specify a GrowthPolicy:

struct custom_growth_policy
  using size_type = unsigned int;

  static constexpr unsigned growth_factor = 2u;
  static constexpr unsigned initial_size = 16u;

  static unsigned new_capacity(unsigned capacity)
    return (capacity) ? capacity * growth_factor : initial_size;

  static bool should_shrink(unsigned size, unsigned capacity, unsigned small_buffer_size)
    return size <= small_buffer_size;

de::devector<int, de::small_buffer_size<0>, custom_growth_policy> custom_growth_devector;

With this policy, when an element is pushed to a devector without capacity, memory for 16 elements will be allocated (initial_size), and the size of this storage is doubled (growth_factor) each time it runs out.

When devecotr::shrink_to_fit is called, first the should_shrink method of the growth policy is consulted with. The actual shrink is executed only if this returns true. In this example the policy allows shrinking only if the contents of the devector can fit in the small buffer.

Among the several usecases, a simple one is reversing an input range in one go while doing as few allocations as possible. In the following example, input lines are pushed to the front of the buffer, thus automatically forming a reverse order.

de::devector<std::string> reversed_lines;

std::string line;

while (std::getline(std::cin, line))

std::cout << "Reversed lines:\n";
for (auto&& line : reversed_lines)
  std::cout << line << "\n";

The devector is more trusting than the standard containers: it allows the programmer to use (potentially) unsafe methods. The most simple are the unsafe_push_front and unsafe_push_back methods. They are similar to the safe versions, but require the caller to make sure the required free capacity is present. The benefit: avoiding a check, thus sparing a few instructions.

de::devector<int> dv;
dv.reserve_back(2); // the previous reserve_front is still in effect


Another unsafe, but efficient construct is placing uninitialized elements into the sequence. In the example below, data is read from a socket and copied directly to the devector buffer:

// int sockfd = socket(...); connect(...);
de::devector<char> buffer(256, de::unsafe_uninitialized_tag{});
long recvSize = recv(sockfd,, buffer.size(), 0);

if (recvSize >= 0)
  // process contents of buffer
else { /* handle error */ }

The constructor used here does not initialize the elements: it's done by recv later. After writing is done, the superfluous, still uninitialized elements are dropped from the back by unsafe_uninitialized_resize_back. This is particularly important for non-trivial value types: The devector does not know which elements are initialized, thus, for example, upon destruction, the destructor is called for every supposed element, even if one is not really there.

When used with a non trivial type and small buffer optimization, this can be even more efficient (and more flexible) than using std::array, because no unnecessary initialization or assignment is made. Non trivial types can be be put into the right uninitialized slot by placement new.

Most of the time, standard vector can be easily replaced by devector. If a custom allocator is needed, however, extra template arguments must be specified:

std::vector<int> regular_vector;
de::devector<int> regular_devector;

std::vector<int, custom_allocator<int>> custom_alloc_vector;

> custom_alloc_devector;

The batch_deque class template, contrary to the standard deque, allows custom sized segments, configurable via a policy template. This gives greater control over the implementation and ensures portable behavior:

de::batch_deque<char, de::batch_deque_policy<256>> deque;

Assuming the user more or less can guess the average required buffer size, the right segment size can be specified to minimize the number of memory allocations.

Since the segment size is configured by the user, it makes sense to be able to do batch operations over the elements of each segment. In the example below, the deque is used as a flexible output buffer. The write function is called for each segment, instead of for each element, resulting in better performance. Scatter/gather I/O is possible in a similar way.

for (auto it = deque.segment_begin(); it != deque.segment_end(); ++it)
  write(fd,, it.data_size());

Reference stability is an important feature of the batch_deque. Inserting elements to the front or to the back of the sequence never invalidates any references. Moreover, a special insert operation is provided, stable_insert, which takes an iterator, as a hint, and inserts a sequence of elements (not necessary directly) before the element pointed by the hint, in a way that it doesn't invalidate references. If needed, default constructs elements to avoid a gap in the sequence.

de::batch_deque<int> deque{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
auto four_it = deque.begin() + 3;
int& four = *four_it;

std::vector<int> input(100, 9);
deque.stable_insert(four_it, input.begin(), input.end());

BOOST_ASSERT(four == 4); // stable_insert ensures reference stability

This feature can be useful, if reference stability and relative order is required, but the exact number of the elements is flexible, e.g: when the sequence stores cached objects.

The double_ended containers play well with the Boost.Serialization library. Any container can be serialized, as long as its value type can be serialized as well.

#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>

#include <boost/double_ended/serialize_devector.hpp>
#include <boost/double_ended/serialize_batch_deque.hpp>

namespace de = boost::double_ended;

int main()
  const de::batch_deque<int> bd{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
  const de::devector<int> dv{9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16};

  std::stringstream stream;

    boost::archive::text_oarchive out(stream);
    out << bd;
    out << dv;

  de::batch_deque<int> new_bd;
  de::devector<int> new_dv;

    boost::archive::text_iarchive in(stream);
    in >> new_bd;
    in >> new_dv;

  BOOST_ASSERT(bd == new_bd);
  BOOST_ASSERT(dv == new_dv);

  return 0;
